
Fun-Filled Group Activities in the Lockyer Valley

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Share Life's Joys Together

At Fezzy's Professional Care, we believe that the essence of life is amplified when shared with others. Our group activities are crafted to bring individuals together, creating a vibrant tapestry of connections, laughter and shared experiences. Join us in embracing the beauty of togetherness, where each moment becomes a cherished memory.

Group activities transcend the ordinary; they spark friendships, create laughter and build bonds that enrich lives. In a world that thrives on interaction, our group experiences provide a platform to forge connections, learn from one another and celebrate the joy of companionship.

To enquire about our group activities, call (07) 5465 2390 today! Based in Laidley, we help clients throughout the Lockyer Valley, Toowoomba and beyond.

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Our Group Activities

Outdoor Adventures: Let nature be your playground. Engage in invigorating nature walks that allow you to embrace the beauty of the great outdoors, experience the serenity of picnics in picturesque settings and bond with fellow participants over friendly outdoor games that bring out the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie.

Cultural and Educational Outings: Embark on journeys of discovery. Join us as we visit museums, art galleries, historical sites and cultural events as a group. These outings provide opportunities to delve into rich histories, immerse yourself in artistic expressions and expand your horizons alongside friends who are equally curious and eager to learn.

Group Fitness Sessions: Embrace healthy living as a collective pursuit. Group fitness sessions offer physical activities tailored to a group setting. Engage in exercises that not only promote well-being but also uplift spirits, fostering a sense of achievement and unity as you work toward your fitness goals together.

Mindfulness and Relaxation: Participate in mindfulness and relaxation sessions to experience moments of peace and rejuvenation. Guided mindfulness practices, relaxation techniques and meditation sessions help you restore inner balance while connecting with others who value serenity and self-care.

Community Volunteering: Engage in purposeful volunteer projects that allow you to contribute positively while forming connections with like-minded individuals. Community volunteering creates a sense of purpose and fulfillment as you work together to make a lasting impact on others.

Cinema Nights: Immerse yourself in cinematic experiences with a group cinema night. Enjoy films together, from comedies to dramas and share the magic of storytelling.

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To view current and upcoming activities click here!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits of participating in group activities?

    Participating in our group activities offers numerous benefits, including the opportunity to socialise, make new friends, learn new skills, explore new interests, enhance your well-being and enjoy shared moments of joy and laughter. Our activities are designed to foster connections and enrich your overall quality of life.

  • Is NDIS funding available for group activities?

    Yes, NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) funding can be used to cover the costs of participating in group activities. The NDIS is designed to provide support to individuals with disabilities to enhance their independence and participation in the community. Group activities that promote social interaction, skill development, and community engagement align with the goals of the NDIS.

    Under the NDIS, funding can be allocated for various supports, including participation in group activities. These activities can range from recreational outings and art workshops to fitness sessions and cultural outings. It's important to note that the specific funding allocation for group activities will depend on your individual NDIS plan, goals and the funding categories outlined in your plan.

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